- Since 1961 -

Walnut Grove Farm
Walnut Grove Farm is a family owned and operated farm and business located in the Upstate of South Carolina. Walnut Grove Farm serves as the base of operations for Walnut Grove Auction & Realty, W2 Cattle Co., and works in conjunction with Blue Ridge Rabbit Meat Co. and Blue Ridge Botanics. All of our cooperative businesses are also family owned and operated.
For more information about the individual businesses click on their logo icons above.

Walnut Grove Farm maintains and supports a herd of commercial Angus beef cows, registered Brown Swiss cattle, and both purebred and full-blooded Braunvieh cattle. This unique combination, when crossbred, creates what we have termed the Swangus™ breed. We implement a three breed rotational cross, which allows us to foster these breeds in separate herds and maintain a strong foundation for our future generations of cattle.
To learn more about the Swangus and our farming practices, click on the button below

Our Beef
Premium Swangus Beef
From our pasture to your plate
Swangus™ Beef is a product of crossbreeding for quality. Combining the traits of our Angus cattle with premium Swiss genetics creates a distinctly tender and full bodied flavor.
Quality cuts start with quality cattle. Our mission is to raise hearty and healthy animals which translates into well grown beef.